Display System Information

netlab show command displays system settings in a tabular, text, or YAML format. The command can display system settings (as shipped with the networklab package) or system settings augmented with user defaults.

The following settings can be displayed:

The system settings can be displayed as a table, as raw text that is easy to parse in automation scripts, and as YAML data that can be used by third-party utilities. See usage guidelines and examples in individual command descriptions for more details.

Display Supported Lab Topology Attributes

The netlab show attributes command displays known lab topology attributes and their expected data types (please note that the optional plugin argument has to be the last argument in the command line):

$ netlab show attributes -h
usage: netlab show attributes [-h] [--system] [--format {table,text,yaml}] [-m MODULE]
                              [--plugin PLUGIN [PLUGIN ...]]

Display supported global- or module-specific attributes

positional arguments:
  match                 Display a subset of attributes

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --system              Display system information (without user defaults)
  --format {table,text,yaml}
                        Output format (table, text, yaml)
  -m MODULE, --module MODULE
                        Display information for a single module
  --plugin PLUGIN [PLUGIN ...]
                        Add plugin attributes to the system defaults


  • Display global VLAN attributes

$ netlab show attributes vlan

You can use the following global vlan lab topology attributes:

  max_value: 4095
  min_value: 1
  type: int
  type: str
  - bridge
  - irb
  - route
prefix: null
  max_value: 16777215
  min_value: 1
  type: int

See https://netlab.tools/dev/validation/ for more data type- and
attribute validation details.
  • Display SR-MPLS module attributes using YAML format to remove header and footer text

$ netlab show attributes --module sr --format yaml
    min_value: 1
    type: int
    min_value: 1
    type: int
    min_value: 1
    type: int
    min_value: 1
    type: int
    min_value: 1
    type: int
    min_value: 1
    type: int
  • Display BGP interface attributes

$ netlab show attributes --module bgp interface --format yaml
local_as: asn
replace_global_as: bool
  • Display BGP interface attributes when using bgp.policy plugin

$ netlab show attributes --module bgp --format yaml interface --plugin bgp.policy
local_as: asn
  max_value: 4294967295
  min_value: 0
  type: int
  max_value: 32767
  min_value: 0
  type: int
replace_global_as: bool
  max_value: 32767
  min_value: 0
  type: int

Display User/System Defaults

The netlab show defaults displays netlab defaults collected from user/system default files:

usage: netlab show defaults [-h] [--system] [--format {table,text,yaml}]
                            [--plugin PLUGIN [PLUGIN ...]]

Display (a subset) of system/user defaults

positional arguments:
  match                 Display defaults within the specified subtree

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --system              Display system information (without user defaults)
  --format {table,text,yaml}
                        Output format (table, text, yaml)
  --plugin PLUGIN [PLUGIN ...]
                        Add plugin attributes to the system defaults


  • The --plugin argument must be the last parameter on the command line – all tokens specified after it are added to the list of plugins

  • The displayed information does not include lab-specific defaults specified in lab topology or alternate default file locations.

  • You can also display system defaults with netlab inspect defaults (requires a running lab) or netlab create -o yaml:defaults (requires a working topology file)


Display graph output module defaults (outputs.graph):

$ netlab show defaults outputs.graph

netlab default settings within the outputs.graph subtree

as_clusters: true
  as: '#e8e8e8'
  ebgp: '#b21a1a'
  ibgp: '#613913'
  node: '#ff9f01'
  stub: '#d1bfab'
interface_labels: false
  as: 16
node_address_label: true

Display Supported Devices

The netlab show devices command displays netlab-supported devices together with short descriptions.

usage: netlab show devices [-h] [--system] [--format {table,text,yaml}] [-d DEVICE]

Display supported devices

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --system              Display system information (without user defaults)
  --format {table,text,yaml}
                        Output format (table, text, yaml)
  -d DEVICE, --device DEVICE
                        Display information for a single device


  • Display devices (names and descriptions) supported by netlab.

$ netlab show devices
Virtual network devices supported by netlab

┃ device       ┃ description                                               ┃
│ arubacx      │ ArubaOS-CX                                                │
│ asav         │ Cisco ASAv                                                │
│ csr          │ Cisco CSR 1000v                                           │
│ cumulus      │ Cumulus VX 4.x or 5.x configured without NVUE             │
│ cumulus_nvue │ Cumulus VX 5.x configured with NVUE                       │
│ dellos10     │ Dell OS10                                                 │
│ eos          │ Arista vEOS VM or cEOS container                          │
│ fortios      │ Fortinet FortiOS firewall                                 │
│ frr          │ FRR container                                             │
│ iosv         │ Cisco IOSv                                                │
│ iosxr        │ Cisco IOS XRv                                             │
│ junos        │ Generic Juniper device (meta device, used only as parent) │
│ linux        │ Generic Linux host                                        │
│ nxos         │ Cisco Nexus 9300v                                         │
│ routeros     │ Mikrotik RouterOS version 6                               │
│ routeros7    │ Mikrotik RouterOS version 7                               │
│ srlinux      │ Nokia SR Linux container                                  │
│ sros         │ Nokia SR OS container                                     │
│ vmx          │ Juniper vMX container                                     │
│ vptx         │ Juniper vPTX                                              │
│ vsrx         │ Juniper vSRX 3.0                                          │
│ vyos         │ VyOS VM/container                                         │

Networking daemons supported by netlab

┃ daemon ┃ description                  ┃
│ bird   │ BIRD Internet Routing Daemon │
  • Displays Arista EOS information in YAML format:

$ netlab show devices -d eos --format yaml
eos: Arista vEOS VM or cEOS container
  • Displays BIRD information in YAML format:

$ netlab show devices -d bird --format yaml
  daemon: true
  description: BIRD Internet Routing Daemon
  parent: linux

Display Device Images

The netlab show images command displays built-in box/container names for supported network devices. If you want to use different Vagrant box names or container names, change them in user defaults or in lab topology.

usage: netlab show images [-h] [--system] [--format {table,text,yaml}] [-d DEVICE]

Display default device images

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --system              Display system information (without user defaults)
  --format {table,text,yaml}
                        Output format (table, text, yaml)
  -d DEVICE, --device DEVICE
                        Display information for a single device


  • Display Vagrant boxes and container names for Arista EOS:

$ netlab show images -d eos
eos image names by virtualization provider

| device | libvirt     | virtualbox  | clab         |
| eos    | arista/veos | arista/veos | ceos:4.31.2F |
  • Display Vagrant boxes and container names for Cumulus Linux in YAML format:

$ netlab show images -d cumulus --format yaml
  clab: networkop/cx:4.4.0
  libvirt: CumulusCommunity/cumulus-vx:4.4.0
  virtualbox: CumulusCommunity/cumulus-vx:4.3.0

Display Configuration Modules

The netlab show modules command displays available configuration modules and devices supported by each configuration module. When displaying a single module, the command lists optional features supported by that module and the devices implementing them.

usage: netlab show modules [-h] [--system] [--format {table,text,yaml}] [-m MODULE]
                           [--feature FEATURE]

Display supported configuration modules

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --system              Display system information (without user defaults)
  --format {table,text,yaml}
                        Output format (table, text, yaml)
  -m, --module MODULE   Display information for a single module
  --feature FEATURE     Display information for a single feature of the selected module


  • Display configuration modules overview:

$ netlab show modules
netlab Configuration modules and supported devices
  srlinux, sros, iosv, csr, nxos, eos, vyos, arubacx
  cumulus, cumulus_nvue, eos, frr, csr, iosv, nxos, asav, vsrx, vyos,
  routeros, srlinux, sros, dellos10, routeros7, vmx, iosxr, arubacx,
  csr, iosv, nxos
  sros, srlinux, frr, eos, vyos, dellos10, cumulus, nxos, arubacx,
  eos, cumulus, iosv, csr, nxos, sros, srlinux, vyos, dellos10,
  eos, frr, csr, iosv, nxos, asav, vsrx, srlinux, sros, vyos, vmx,
  iosxr, vptx
  eos, iosv, csr, routeros, vyos, routeros7, sros, vmx, vsrx, frr,
  vptx, arubacx
  arcos, cumulus, cumulus_nvue, eos, fortios, frr, csr, iosv, nxos,
  vsrx, vyos, routeros, srlinux, sros, dellos10, routeros7, vmx,
  iosxr, arubacx, vptx
  csr, eos, srlinux, sros, vsrx, vmx, vptx
  eos, iosv, csr, vyos, dellos10, srlinux, routeros, nxos, frr,
  cumulus, sros, routeros7, vmx, vsrx, arubacx, vptx
  eos, iosv, csr, routeros, dellos10, vyos, cumulus_nvue, nxos,
  srlinux, frr, cumulus, sros, routeros7, vmx, vsrx, arubacx, vptx
  eos, nxos, vyos, csr, dellos10, srlinux, frr, cumulus, sros,
  arubacx, vptx
  • Display devices and features supported by BGP module:

$ netlab show modules -m bgp
Devices and features supported by bgp module

| device       | local_as | vrf_local_as | local_as_ibgp | activate_af | ipv6_lla | rfc8950 |
| arubacx      |    x     |      x       |       x       |      x      |          |         |
| asav         |          |              |               |             |          |         |
| csr          |    x     |      x       |       x       |      x      |          |         |
| cumulus      |    x     |      x       |               |      x      |    x     |    x    |
| cumulus_nvue |          |              |               |      x      |    x     |    x    |
| dellos10     |    x     |      x       |               |      x      |    x     |    x    |
| eos          |    x     |      x       |       x       |      x      |          |         |
| frr          |    x     |      x       |               |      x      |    x     |    x    |
| iosv         |    x     |      x       |       x       |      x      |          |         |
| iosxr        |          |              |               |      x      |          |         |
| junos        |          |              |               |             |          |         |
| nxos         |          |              |               |             |          |         |
| routeros     |          |              |               |             |          |         |
| routeros7    |          |              |               |             |          |         |
| srlinux      |    x     |      x       |       x       |      x      |    x     |    x    |
| sros         |    x     |      x       |       x       |      x      |    x     |         |
| vmx          |          |              |               |             |          |         |
| vptx         |          |              |               |             |          |         |
| vsrx         |          |              |               |             |          |         |
| vyos         |    x     |      x       |               |      x      |    x     |    x    |

* All devices listed in the table support bgp configuration module.
* Some devices might not support any module-specific additional feature

Feature legend:
* local_as: Supports local-as functionality
* vrf_local_as: Supports local-as within a VRF
* local_as_ibgp: Can use local-as to create IBGP sesssion
* activate_af: Can control activation of individual address families
* ipv6_lla: Can run EBGP sessions over IPv6 link-local addresses
* rfc8950: Can run IPv4 AF over IPv6 LLA EBGP session
  • Display devices and features supported by EVPN module in YAML format:

$ netlab show modules -m evpn --format yaml
  asymmetrical_irb: true
  irb: true
  asymmetrical_irb: true
  irb: true
  asymmetrical_irb: true
  irb: true
  asymmetrical_irb: true
  - vlan_aware
  irb: true
  irb: true
  irb: true
  asymmetrical_irb: true
  irb: true
  asymmetrical_irb: true
  irb: true
vptx: {}
  asymmetrical_irb: true
  irb: true
  • Display devices supporting EVPN asymmetrical IRB:

$ netlab show modules -m evpn --feature asymmetrical_irb
Devices supported by the evpn module and their support for the asymmetrical_irb feature

┃ device   ┃ asymmetrical_irb ┃
│ arubacx  │        x         │
│ cumulus  │        x         │
│ dellos10 │        x         │
│ eos      │        x         │
│ frr      │        x         │
│ nxos     │                  │
│ srlinux  │        x         │
│ sros     │        x         │
│ vyos     │        x         │

* All devices listed in the table support evpn configuration module.
* Some devices might not support any module-specific additional feature

Feature legend:
* asymmetrical_irb: Support asymmetrical IRB (routing on ingress, bridging on egress)
  • When using the initial pseudo-module, the command displays device support for various initial configuration features:

$ netlab show modules -m initial
Devices and features supported by initial module

| device       | system_mtu | ipv4.unnumbered | ipv6.lla |
| arubacx      |            |                 |          |
| asav         |            |                 |          |
| csr          |            |        x        |    x     |
| cumulus      |            |        x        |    x     |
| cumulus_nvue |            |        x        |    x     |
| dellos10     |            |        x        |    x     |
| eos          |     x      |        x        |    x     |
| fortios      |            |                 |          |
| frr          |            |        x        |    x     |
| iosv         |            |                 |    x     |
| iosxr        |            |        x        |    x     |
| linux        |            |                 |          |
| nxos         |            |        x        |    x     |
| routeros     |            |                 |          |
| routeros7    |            |                 |          |
| srlinux      |     x      |        x        |    x     |
| sros         |            |        x        |    x     |
| vmx          |            |        x        |    x     |
| vptx         |            |        x        |    x     |
| vsrx         |            |        x        |    x     |
| vyos         |            |        x        |    x     |

* All devices listed in the table support initial configuration module.
* Some devices might not support any module-specific additional feature

Feature legend:
* system_mtu: System-wide MTU setting
* ipv4.unnumbered: Unnumbered IPv4 interfaces
* ipv6.lla: IPv6 LLA-only interfaces

Display Device Module Support

The netlab show module-support command displays configuration modules supported by individual devices.

usage: netlab show module-support [-h] [--system] [--format {table,text,yaml}]
                                  [-d DEVICE] [-m MODULE]

Display configuration modules supported by individual devices

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --system              Display system information (without user defaults)
  --format {table,text,yaml}
                        Output format (table, text, yaml)
  -d DEVICE, --device DEVICE
                        Display information for a single device
  -m MODULE, --module MODULE
                        Display information for a single module


  • Display configuration module support matrix:

$ netlab show module-support
Configuration modules supported by individual devices

| device       | bgp | isis | ospf | eigrp | bfd | sr | srv6 | evpn |
| arcos        |     |      | x    |       |     |    |      |      |
| csr          | x   | x    | x    | x     | x   | x  |      |      |
| cumulus      | x   |      | x    |       |     |    |      |      |
| cumulus_nvue | x   |      | x    |       |     |    |      |      |
| eos          | x   | x    | x    |       | x   | x  |      |      |
| fortios      |     |      | x    |       |     |    |      |      |
| frr          | x   | x    | x    |       |     |    |      | x    |
| iosv         | x   | x    | x    | x     | x   |    |      |      |
| linux        |     |      |      |       |     |    |      |      |
| nxos         | x   | x    | x    | x     | x   |    |      |      |
| routeros     | x   |      | x    |       |     |    |      |      |
| srlinux      | x   | x    | x    |       | x   | x  |      | x    |
| sros         | x   | x    | x    |       | x   | x  | x    | x    |
| vsrx         | x   | x    | x    |       |     | x  |      |      |
| vyos         | x   |      | x    |       |     |    |      |      |
  • Display configuration modules available for Arista EOS:

$ netlab show module-support -d eos
Configuration modules supported by eos

| device | bgp | isis | ospf | eigrp | bfd | sr | srv6 | evpn |
| eos    | x   | x    | x    |       | x   | x  |      |      |
  • Display EVPN module support:

$ netlab show module-support -m evpn
evpn configuration module support

| device       | evpn |
| arubacx      |  x   |
| asav         |      |
| csr          |      |
| cumulus      |  x   |
| cumulus_nvue |      |
| dellos10     |  x   |
| eos          |  x   |
| fortios      |      |
| frr          |  x   |
| iosv         |      |
| iosxr        |      |
| junos        |      |
| linux        |      |
| nxos         |  x   |
| routeros     |      |
| routeros7    |      |
| srlinux      |  x   |
| sros         |  x   |
| vmx          |      |
| vptx         |  x   |
| vsrx         |      |
| vyos         |  x   |

Display Output Modules

The netlab show outputs command displays output formats supported by the netlab create command.

usage: netlab show outputs [-h] [--system] [--format {table,text,yaml}]

Display output modules for the "netlab create" command

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --format {table,text,yaml}
                        Output format (table, text, yaml)

Example: display output modules as a table

$ netlab show outputs
Supported output modules

| module   | description                                            |
| ansible  | Ansible inventory and configuration file               |
| d2       | Topology graph in D2 format                            |
| devices  | Create simple device inventory as a YAML file          |
| graph    | Topology graph in graphviz format                      |
| json     | Inspect transformed data in JSON format                |
| provider | Create virtualization provider configuration file(s)   |
| report   | Create a report from the transformed lab topology data |
| tools    | Create configuration files for external tools          |
| yaml     | Inspect transformed data in YAML format                |

Display Report Templates

The netlab show reports command displays the report templates that can be used with the netlab report command.

usage: netlab show reports [-h] [--format {table,text,yaml}] [match]

Display available system reports

positional arguments:
  match                 Display report names containing the specified string

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --format {table,text,yaml}
                        Output format (table, text, yaml)


  • Display all available report templates[1]

$ netlab show reports

HTML reports

| report               | description                                |
| addressing-link.html | Link/interface addressing                  |
| addressing-node.html | Node/interface addressing                  |
| addressing.html      | Node/interface and link addressing         |
| bgp-asn.html         | BGP autonomous systems (needs Ansible)     |
| bgp-neighbor.html    | BGP neighbors                              |
| bgp.html             | BGP autonomous systems and neighbors       |
| mgmt.html            | Device management interfaces and addresses |
| wiring.html          | Lab wiring (used with external provider)   |

text reports

| report     | description                                          |
| addressing | Node/interface addressing                            |
| bgp        | BGP autonomous systems and neighbors (needs Ansible) |
| mgmt       | Device management interfaces and addresses           |
| wiring     | Lab wiring (used with external provider)             |

Markdown reports

| report          | description                            |
| addressing.md   | Node/interface addressing              |
| bgp-asn.md      | BGP autonomous systems (needs Ansible) |
| bgp-neighbor.md | BGP neighbors                          |
| wiring.md       | Lab wiring                             |
  • Display BGP reports

$ netlab show reports bgp
| format | report            | description                                          |
| html   | bgp-asn.html      | BGP autonomous systems (needs Ansible)               |
|        | bgp-neighbor.html | BGP neighbors                                        |
|        | bgp.html          | BGP autonomous systems and neighbors                 |
| md     | bgp-asn.md        | BGP autonomous systems (needs Ansible)               |
|        | bgp-neighbor.md   | BGP neighbors                                        |
| text   | bgp               | BGP autonomous systems and neighbors (needs Ansible) |

Display Virtualization Providers

The netlab show providers command displays supported virtualization providers and their status:

  • OK: the provider is installed and operational

  • FAIL: the provider is installed, but not working correcty

  • N/A: the provider is probably not installed

Use the -p option to display commands used to probe the operational state of an individual provider, and their results.

$ netlab show providers -h
usage: netlab show providers [-h] [--system] [--format {table,text,yaml}] [-p PROVIDER]

Display supported virtualization providers

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --system              Display system information (without user defaults)
  --format {table,text,yaml}
                        Output format (table, text, yaml)
  -p PROVIDER, --provider PROVIDER
                        Display the status of the selected virtualization provider


  • Display a summary of virtualization providers and their state (executed on a Linux box with libvirt, KVM, vagrant, containerlab and Docker installed):

$ netlab show providers
Supported virtualization providers

| provider   | description              | status |
| clab       | containerlab with Docker | OK     |
| external   | External devices         | OK     |
| libvirt    | Vagrant with libvirt/KVM | OK     |
| virtualbox | Vagrant with Virtualbox  | N/A    |
  • Display the state of an installed provider (libvirt/KVM was installed on the host where the command was executed):

$ netlab show providers -p libvirt
Status of libvirt (Vagrant with libvirt/KVM):

Executing: which kvm-ok
Executing: which virsh
Executing: which vagrant
Executing: ['bash', '-c', 'vagrant plugin list|grep vagrant-libvirt']
Executing: kvm-ok
Executing: virsh net-list

Status: OK
  • Display the state of a failed/missing provider (Virtualbox was not installed on the host where the command was executed):

$ netlab show providers -p virtualbox
Status of virtualbox (Vagrant with Virtualbox):

Executing: VBoxManage -h
Error executing VBoxManage -h:
  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'VBoxManage'

Status: N/A