Add Linux Hosts to Lab Topologies

It’s straightforward to add Linux hosts to netlab topologies and deploy the software you want to test (management software, network services daemons, traffic generators, etc.) on the Linux hosts. This tutorial will help you get started.

Adding Linux Hosts

To add Linux hosts to a lab topology, add nodes with device: linux. Although it’s possible to have Linux nodes with multiple interfaces, keep things simple and connect these nodes to a single link.

The Linux hosts will be started as virtual machines if you use the libvirt or virtualbox provider or as containers if you use the clab provider. You can also add Linux containers to a libvirt topology: add provider: clab to node data.

For example, the following topology starts two Linux containers attached to a Juniper vPTX virtual machine:

provider: libvirt

    device: vptx
    device: linux
    provider: clab
    device: linux
    provider: clab

links: [ rtr-h1, rtr-h2 ]

Configuring Linux Hosts

netlab uses Ansible to configure Linux virtual machines; you have to use a Vagrant box that contains a working Python installation. netlab assumes the Linux virtual machines run Ubuntu and uses netplan to configure VM interfaces (more details). To use the traditional ip commands on other Linux distributions, add ‌netlab_linux_distro: vanilla to node data.

Linux containers are configured with host commands executed within the container networking namespace. netlab does not expect to have Python (or any other CLI command) in a Linux container; you can use whatever Linux container you wish.

On Linux hosts, the netlab initial configuration process adds the /etc/hosts file, configures IP addresses on management and lab interfaces, installs LLDP and net-tools on Ubuntu virtual machines, and creates static routes pointing to the first-hop gateway on the first lab interface (more details). The default route (managed by Vagrant or containerlab) always points to the management interface, allowing you to connect to the Internet and install additional software on Linux hosts.

Custom Containers or Virtual Machines

netlab starts Ubuntu 20.04 Vagrant boxes when you add Linux virtual machines to a lab topology and Python/Alpine containers when you add Linux containers to a lab topology.


The defaults might change in a future netlab release. Use ‌netlab show images -d linux to display the current default values.

You can change the Vagrant box or container image for any node in the lab topology with the image node parameters.

For example, to add a Linux container running Cisco’s TRex traffic generator in a Docker container, set the image to trexcisco/trex, for example:

provider: libvirt

    device: vptx
    device: linux
    provider: clab
    image: trexcisco/trex

links: [ rtr-h1, rtr-h2 ]

Installing Custom Linux Software

If you want to install custom Linux software into a Linux host after the lab has been started, start with a generic Linux distribution (for example, generic/ubuntu2004 Vagrant box or ubuntu:24.04 container).


Ubuntu Vagrant boxes after Ubuntu 20.04 are broken; they cannot find any interface apart from the management interface (eth0). If you want to work with a recent Ubuntu distribution, use Linux containers.

After the lab has been started, log into the Linux host and install the software, for example[1]:

# apt-get update
# apt-get install rsyslog

Start the software, for example:

# rsyslogd

Congratulations, you added a syslog server to your lab.

Once you’ve mastered the installation process, collect the installation commands into a configuration template, such as syslogd.j2. The configuration template name should end with .j2, and the first line should be #!/bin/bash to tell the netlab device configuration Ansible playbook to start a Bash script on your Linux host. For example, this configuration template installs and starts syslog daemon[2]:

apt-get update
apt-get install rsyslog -y

Finally, add the custom configuration template to your Linux host with the config parameter:

defaults.device: eos
provider: clab

    device: linux
    image: ubuntu:24.04
    config: [ syslogd ]

Now, you can start the lab, and the lab configuration process (netlab initial) will install the syslog daemon on the Linux host.